
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Climbing Rocks

I mentioned in my Thanksgiving post that Justin and I went indoor rock climbing while we were in St. Louis.  When we lived there we use to go to Upper Limit Rock Gym several times a week to climb.  Shockingly, since I'm scared of heights, I was the one to suggest this activity years ago while we were dating.  But it's so much fun!  You definitely don't have to have tons of upper body strength (I certainly don't!) because it's surprisingly a lot of leg work.  And tons of core work.  Oh ya, and it's still a workout for your arms and hands.  I like it cause it's way more fun than going to the gym and lifting weights.

Source: Upper Limits website

They have tons of routes at all different levels and auto-belays so you can climb alone (without a partner to hold the rope and stop you from falling).  Excuse the weird look on my face, that's the look of terror that comes from knowing you're about to purposely climb up a large wall and likely fall off and trust that someone will not drop you.

We didn't get any pictures from Thanksgiving but these are from a previous trip. 

We haven't been able to climb while in Irvine (ok, we could have but there's no place convenient) so we're really hoping to find a gym in Sunnyvale.  There's one near our apartment so we'll see if it's any good.  And, of course, climbing's not the cheapest adventure ever so there's that to consider.  But it's so much fun!

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